Sustainable Poster Prints for your wall.

Dibond.... The future of Posters? 🌏👀🥶

Typically a Poster has been made from paper. That is about to change.....

MES Posters is committed to producing 100% recyclable resources and leaving a minimal impact on our natural world. Following my last blog post, we discovered our current manufacturing process and what we are doing to make our small but meaningful impact towards the fight with climate change. 

With this post, I am excited to announce that our creative minds have been ticking over and as we enter a New Year 2022 - we are raising the bar once again......

We would like to introduce you to Dibond. Dibond is universally recognised as the world’s first Aluminium Material used for display purposes. The material consists of two aluminium sheets (0.3mm thick) flanking a solid polyethylene core (around 5-10mm).

Not only are we stepping up the game in terms of our materials used, but check out the photo..... How good do these prints look on Aluminium 🥶💧!! 


The most exciting part about this material however, is its minimal effect on our natural world....

This is where Dibond truly comes into its own.

In short, the material is completely recyclable, this due to a technical procedure which both separates and processes the aluminium and polyethylene at its centre.

The continuous and automated division of the pair, on an industrial scale, takes pace in recycling plants that have what’s known as Plastic Dry Separation Systems.

Here’s a brief summary of how these work…

Firstly, the composite materials are crushed into mixed granules using a process known as Mechanical Crushing. Simply put, a plastic crusher either shreds or crushes the materials into smaller pieces.

From here Powder Milling occurs in a bid to downsize even further. A crushing mill results in the composite material turning to aluminium and plastic mixture powder respectively. Interestingly, a number of these mills come complete with dust extracting systems included.

A vibrating screen (Screening) is then used as a sieve before Electrostatic Separation itself takes place. A separator system is used for this, one built specifically for the divorce of nonferrous materials from mixed equivalents.

The entire process is one without emissions, with neither chemicals nor water used. In fact, there is no excess waste whatsoever.....

So keep your eyes out for this new product that we will be offering in Q2 of 2022. We cannot wait to share this one with you all.


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